How to get IRS help and information
Dealing with the IRS can at times be very time consuming, there are easier ways to get a problem resolved with them, all you have to do is have all of your Information in front of you before making the call.
The hardest part of this process will be waiting to get a live person on the phone, Once you have got past that part if you have all of the following handy the rest will be a piece of cake.
1. Always have your & or spouse's Social Security number on hand, this will be the first thing they ask for besides your name.
2. If you are responding to a letter, make sure to use the reference number from their letter and always contact the name of the person on the letter, if possible, this will also make for faster service.
3. Be very clear with your point, remember you are not the only person they have talked with today and you will not be the last.
4. Make sure you have all your questions written down beforehand that you will need answered, that way you don't forget anything when you get the person on the phone.
5. And always, log the person you spoke with, get their IRS ID number, extension number and date and time, this way if the problem doesn't get solved, when you call back next time, you will at least have all of that information to cover you.
6. Problems with the Internal Revenue Service Center will not be handled overnight, do not expect a miracle, be patient but keep good records, that way if for some reason don't handle it and come back to you later down the road, you will have all of your notes on hand to try to stand your ground.
7. If you pay them any money to resolve a claim, that is not in your favor, my suggestion would be to first make a copy of that check, and keep it for three years, I have seen cases where money was piad and if there was no proof you don't have a leg to stand on, and always remember the people whom we deal with at the Internal Revenue Service center are only human as you and I, that means there is always room for mistakes, so never expect perfection.
Dealing with this Customer Service Center is often thought of as a nightmare to many, However if you just have all of the proper information as described above, it will make it much easier for you as the caller, and the person on the other end of the line.
Another good point to remember is always check back up on these type of issues never assume they are done when you get off of the phone, wait about 30-45 days and repull the Information and call back and make sure that this request was taken care of.
This will save you many heartaches later down the road.
Written by melissa ransom